A Systematic Algorithm for the Design of Multiplierless FIR Filters
J. Yli-Kaakinen and T. Saramäki, "A systematic algorithm for the design of multiplierless FIR filters," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits Syst., Sydney, Australia, May 6–9 2001, vol II, pp. 185–188.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ISCAS.2001.921038Full text available as: PDF (172 kB) – Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader or other PDF viewer.
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A systematic algorithm is proposed for designing multiplierless finiteimpulse response (FIR) filters. This algorithm minimizes the number of adders required to implement the overall filter to meet the given amplitude criteria. The optimization is performed in two basic steps. First, a linear programming algorithm is used for determining a parameter space of the infinite-precision coefficients including the feasible space where the filter meets the given amplitude specifications. The second step involves finding the filter parameters in this space such that the resulting filter meets the given criteria with the simplest coefficient representation forms. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is illustrated by means of several examples taken from the literature.BibTeX
author = {J. Yli-Kaakinen and T. Saram{\"a}ki},
title = {A systematic algorithm for
the design of multiplierless {FIR} filters},
booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits Syst.},
year = 2001,
pages = {185--188},
address = {Sydney, Australia},
month = {May} # "~6--9"
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