An algorithm for the design of multiplierless two-channel perfect reconstruction orthogonal filter banks
J. Yli-Kaakinen, T. Saramäki, and R. Bregović, "An algorithm for the design of multiplierless two-channel perfect reconstruction orthogonal filter banks," in Proc. 2004 IEEE Int. Symp. Control., Commun., Signal Process., Hammamet, Tunisia, Mar. 21–24 2004, pp. 393–396.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ISCCSP.2004.1296317Full text available as: PDF (356 kB) – Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader or other PDF viewer.
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This paper describes an algorithm for designing multiplierless two-channel perfect-reconstruction (PR) orthogonal lattice filter banks. The advantage of the lattice implementation is that the PR property is structurally ensured even after quantizing the coefficients into very simple representation forms. The coefficient optimization is performed in three basic stages. First, a simple design scheme is used for generating an initial solution for further optimization. Second, this initial solution is used as a start-up solution for the non-linear optimization algorithm being employed for determining a parameter space of the infinite-precision coefficients including the feasible space where the filter bank meets the given criteria. The third step involves finding the coefficients in this space so that the resulting filter bank meets the given criteria with simple coefficient representation forms. An example taken from the literature illustrates that the proposed algorithm results at least in a good suboptimal finite-precision solution in a fairly short time.BibTeX
author = {J. Yli-Kaakinen and T. Saram{\"a}ki and R. Bregovi{\'c}},
title = {An algorithm for the design of multiplierless two-channel perfect
reconstruction orthogonal filter banks},
booktitle = {Proc. 2004 IEEE Int. Symp. Control., Commun., Signal Process.},
year = 2004,
pages = {393--396},
address = {Hammamet, Tunisia},
month = {Mar.} # "~21--24"
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